The Ugly "C" Word

Cancer is one word that conjures up images of the Grim Reaper faster than many others do.  However, modern medical science has come a long way in battling this insidious bandit of life.

Over the years, I have lost two paternal aunts, several dear friends and a large number of acquaintances to breast cancer. What is sad is that in many of the cases, death could have been prevented had they taken the time to do a self-exam, reporting to the doctor that they had found a lump.

I am not sure why it is that women are afraid to go to the doctor when they find a lump.  Perhaps it is modesty, or fear that they are being overly cautious. Perhaps it is difficult to fit into a schedule that is filled with demands from family, friends and/or career. Whatever the reason, it is wiser to make the call, see the doctor and deal with the truth.

This week I will be walking, again, in the local Breast Cancer Awareness walk. As I walk, I will be meditating on those who have lost the battle,  reflecting on those who are tenaciously surviving and praying words of the heart that a cure will be found to eliminate Cancer from our lives.


Today's post is part of the WOW-Women on Writing Blanket Tour for Healing with Words: A Writer's Cancer Journey by Diana M. Raab, MFA, RN.  Diana was a guest on this blog a bit ago.  Her experiences, reflections, poetry and journal entries are part of Healing with Words, along with writing prompts so that readers can add their own stories.

Diana is a survivor of both breast cancer and multiple myeloma.  She views journaling as her daily vitamin; it heals, detoxifies and is essential to holistic well-being.

Diana has authored eight books, teaches journaling and memoir writing at UCLA Extension Writers' Program and spent 25 years as a medical and self-help writer.


If you comment on today's post, you will be entered to win a copy of Healing with Words: A Writer's Cancer Journey.  To read Diana's post about breast cancer and to access a list of other blogs from the Blanket Tour visit:

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Thank you for bringing attention to the fact that early detection and intervention can significantly increase your chances of living a longer, healthier life.
Your body talks to you, first in a hushed tone, it's voice getting louder with it's messages. Please pay attention. All of us who have lost loved ones to cancer (and other diseases) would love to have had more time to share, more love to exchange, more smiles turn into laughter and more memories to make.
Rev. Linda said…
Thank you for your profound message.

Blessings! Linda

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