Hope Always Prevails

Constellations of Light - Hope Always Prevails Photo (c) 2019 Rev. Linda M. Rhinehart Neas From time to time, I will see or hear something that just hits my solar plexus with such power that I no longer have control of my emotions. Tears flow without my thinking. My heart fills with the beauty of the moment. At these times, I know there is something mystically magical happening. The BBC series, Doctor Who, has given me several such moments. The writers somehow manage to put words into the actors' mouths that the actors are able to say in such a way as to hit the heartstrings at just the right vibration to trigger an auto-response. Most recently, this happened as I was watching Season 11, Episode 5 with the new Doctor played by Jodie Whittaker. After a series of frenetic incidents in which the Doctor, her companions and the passengers of a failing space ship try to outwit a deadly alien species, the episode ends with a prayer for the general who gives her life to pi...