There Can Be Miracles: The power of faith - Guest Post

Today, I have the pleasure of sharing my blog with author, Lynda Faye Schmidt . Her newest book, The Holding is being released today, so we are celebrating with this blog post. I want to thank Lynda for her words and for the courage to share herself with the readers. I would also like to thank her publisher, Anne O'Connell for the opportunity to read and review The Holding . There Can Be Miracles: The power of faith by Lynda Faye Schmidt The world is weary, the energy is heavy, two years later and Covid still a force to be reckoned with. Fear, lockdowns, restrictions, illness and death have taken a toll on everyone across the globe in some form or another. It can be easy to get caught up in the negativity when it seems to come at us from every tv channel, newspaper, and social media platform. But we don’t have to. We have a choice how we respond to life’s challenges. In my opinion, our attitude, beliefs, mind-set and faith, all fall under a similar umbrella. They are...