The Pros and Cons of Teen Marriage - Guest Post

Julia Asel Thomas is our guest blogger today. She is the author of a new book, Loving the Missing Link , a chronicle of a young girl from a small town, which is part of the WOW blog tour . Like her character, Julia is also a small town girl. Small towns are interesting and wonderful places. Unlike the big cities, in a small town everyone knows everyone. There are certain expectations and certain "ways" of doing things. In small towns, many teenagers can't wait to get away. Often, they resort to running away from what they see as an oppressive life to marry. Once in the "real" world, though, things change. Julia writes today about teen marriage - a topic of some concern in both small towns and big cities. I believe you will find her words filled with wisdom. ~~~~ Let me start by saying that I would never advise two teenagers to get married. It is a risky business starting out together with so few resources and so little ex...