Love IS all there is!

Just when you least expect it, miracles happen. Your beloved stands before you. Your spirits meld together. Everything seems right. Wow...really profound, right? So, why do we wait till once a year to tell those we love that we love them? I have always been bothered by this holi/holyday...St. Valentine's Day, because of this. My feeling is, if you live your life correctly, every day is St. Valentine's Day! That said, I want to share a few of the poems I have written about "love"...all kinds of love...Enjoy! Rose Strewn Path to the Seventh Happiness EPIPHANY To love a body is fleeting. Age eventually pushes Youth away… crow’s feet smile lines bumps and bulges emerge where once a nubile form held court. To love a mind brings confusion. Understanding holds wide the door for Mis… mis-inform mis-interpret mis-state mis-understanding! The brilliance soon tarnishes. But, To Love a Soul is to find Ecstasy! Time stands still as Eternity waltzes in… the edges of being touch… f...