Here I Am Lord

Officially, I have been an interfaith minister for one week, today. I am finding it surreal that, just seven days ago, I walked down the aisle of All Soul's Church in New York City, choking out the chorus of "Here I Am Lord." Processing into Church This past week, I have meditated on how I got to this point in my journey. I remembered the discussions, as I child, with Sister Superior. She had asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I told her a priest. She said girls can't become priests; however, I could become a bride of Jesus by going into the convent. No Way! I didn't want to be married to Jesus, I wanted to be one of his buddies. Clearly, I had a lot of problems when I voiced this to Sister. Later in life, I continued to feel the calling to serve. I looked at various programs, degrees, opportunities. I did what I could, when I could but continued to feel that my calling was deeper. As the...