Words Can Bring Peace

As you can see, I recently updated the blog. In doing so, I also reviewed my settings. One of the things I realized was that the opening statement on the blog, what everyone sees first, says, "Words can bring...Peace." This got me to contemplating, something I do quite a bit in my old age. I asked myself: Have my words brought peace to others? Have the words of others brought me peace? How do words bring peace? The answers I found are, yes, yes, and in many ways. Words bring Peace when they touch something deep within a soul; when they enlighten the dark corners of the mind; and when they inspire action that creates a wave of love through the Universe. For me, Peace means that body, mind and spirit are in balance and filled with contentment. There is no need. There is no lack. We have yet to sustain the state of Peace for longer than a few minutes or hours at a time, which is why the work of Peacemaking is so vital at this time. It ...