Curses: Real, or Not??

Today, I have the great pleasure of sharing in a blog tour for Caught Between Two Curses a new book by my fellow writer, Margo Dill. Margo is sharing some thoughts about the reality (or not) of curses. In 2003, it looked like the Chicago Cubs might actually make it to the World Series and have a chance to break the Curse of the Billy Goat—put on them by William Sianis, when he was forced to remove his goat from Wrigley Field in 1945. He said the Cubs would win no more. (Of course, they hadn’t won a World Series since 1908, but baseball legends are much more fun than just bad teams.) Then at a 2003 playoff game, Cubs vs Marlins, Steve Bartman, a Cubs fan, interfered with a foul ball, and the Cubs wound up losing the game and the series. The Marlins went to the World Series, and Bartman’s name because a dirty word in Chicago. But what made Bartman react the way he did? Was it the Curse of the Billy Goat? Were the Cubs getting too close to success? That’s...