Rays of Hope Walk for Breast Cancer

I did it!  I walked the LONG walk, up the mountain and raised over $125 for the Rays of Hope and ultimately, Cancer Connection, which is where I volunteer as a Reiki practitioner.  Cancer Connection provides free programs and support to cancer survivors and their families/caregivers.

Word's seem inadequate...In brief, just as we started to walk, it started raining, but that didn't dampen anyone's resolve.  Musicians and performers supported the walkers along the way; there were also a few unexpected sights, like the folks that hung a pink sweater outside their home on the route for the walk.  At the end, my beloved made me a hot bowl of chicken soup, which I gratefully devoured after a hot shower. I will let the pictures tell the rest of the story.

Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.


Anonymous said…
i love it auntie! great job! keep up the great work that you do! don't let anyone try to stop that! i love you BIG! always... Janel xoxo

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