
Searching the shelf for a book of poems to take to my granddaughter's 5th birthday event, I had not planned on finding a poem that would spur me on to write, today.  The poem, written in my mother's hand was probably originally found in the pages of the Boston Globe or Good Housekeeping magazine, both of which she read religiously. 

The Blessings of Grandchildren - My Cherubs 2010

As I read it, tears welled in my eyes.  Knowing my Mom and how much she loved her grandchildren, I know she must have copied it down with the intent of sending it off to one or several of them.   

She could see the struggles they had in life, but was not always in the best shape to concentrate on helping them. 

In the last years of her life, Mom was not the easiest person to be around.  Dementia and pain made it was difficult.  Visits were few, short and often emotional. That said, I know without a doubt, that Mom loved her grandchildren.

My Girls with their Nana Neas

I am not sure why these words from the heart of some unknown poet call ed to me, today,  but I feel the need to post them, not only for my Mom's grandchildren to read, but for grandchildren everywhere.  

Grandma - Author Unknown
Whatever on earth, can a grandma be for?
She's older than dirt, with one foot out the door.
And what can she know about living today,
When nothing is done in her old-fashioned way?
Oh, sure, she's real sweet and you love her a lot,
But in terms of real life, what's an ol' grandma got?

Well listen, my sweetie, you might be surprised
To find that your grandma's a youngster, disguised!
She still has her dreams and her values intact,
She's just a bit wiser, yes, Dear, that's a fact -
Experience has put a few lines on her face,
And that's how she knows what it's like in your place.

I know this idea may seem baffling and new.
But, Honey, your grandma's, "Been there, done that," too.
So, when your young life isn't going as planned,
Talk to your grandma-she'll sure understand.
She's got lots of love and good counsel to give,
And she'll be on your side for as long as you live.

I didn't have my maternal grandmother around (She died when my mother was 13.), however, I would often talk to her in my head when I was a little girl. She felt "alive" to me.  I never had the opportunity to spend time with my paternal grandmother as a young woman, either.  She died when I was a teenager. Nonetheless, they have influenced my life in ways I am only  now seeing.

You see, I believe our ancestors are with us in Spirit.  In fact, those of us who no longer have our grandparents with us, can still be guided by their wisdom through meditation and prayer.

May the blessings of all our grandmothers and grandfathers wrap us in love and peace. May we follow their guidance and give gratitude for the lessons learned through their wisdom.


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