National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

pink ribbonImage via Wikipedia

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which unless you live in the middle of the most remote area of the country, devoid of phone, cable, cell, computer and any other electronic devices that might connect you to the world, is something most everyone knows, even little kids.

Nine years ago, I wrote an article for the local newspaper in the town I lived in explaining how we need to wake up and stop acting so Victorian about our bodies.  (Click here to read that article.)

Three years ago, I wrote a blog post on the subject, which you can find here .  In it, I gave several links to resources for those who wanted to educate themselves on how to care for themselves and their breasts.

This year, I am proud to be part of a month long event (A Blanket Tour) with Women on Writing.  Each day this month, you can read articles celebrating National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Each post is a unique voice discussing some aspect of breast cancer.  

I highly encourage my readers to participate in this exciting tour.  I will be posting later in the month.  Readers who post comments will be placed in a drawing for Diana Raab's book, Healing with Words.

In addition to the blog, I will also be doing a five-mile walk on October 24 to help raise awareness, as well as funds for cancer research.  I am excited to be able to do the walk this year.  I have been "training" since May when I became unemployed.  

 Beginning the 3 mile Walk 2009 

Completing the Walk 2009

It is blessing to get up in the morning, put on my walking shoes and cruise around the town.  Often, as I walk, I meditate on the blessings of mobility and living, blessings too many precious women in my life no longer enjoy.  It is for them and all those who have battled cancer of any form that I will walk this year.

May words from the heart, written by women throughout the month, inspire, encourage, entertain and enlighten.


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Unknown said…
I just enrolled myself as a volunteer in National Cancer Council Malaysia. I'm employed but I want to spend some time to help them. Beside of that, I'm making a quaterly donation to NKF (National Kidney Fund) direct debited to their fund account. I hope this will help the organization to help the patients. God bless them..
Bless you Alv...together, we can love the world into change.

Thanks for your comment.

Diana M. Raab said…
Thank you for hosting my self-help memoir, HEALING WITH WORDS. I hope it helps many women.

Diana Raab

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