Mother Love
From the first moment I knew I was expecting my first child, I was deeply in love with being pregnant, in love with the life I was carrying close to my heart, in love with mothering.
Through the years, there have been those moments when my girls caught my breath, brought a smile to my face or tears to my eyes...tears of joy more often than not. Fortunately, being a "keeper of the story," I have many "Kodak" moments to remind us all of those special times.
The following is a photo essay of my girls through the years. Each is a gem; each is unique; and each has grown into a beautiful, talented, wise young woman. I am so proud of each of them!

Kathleen, lover of pockets
In Cognito
Elizabeth napping with Dozo - He wouldn't move until she woke up!
Kathleen, the budding artist!
Courtney, Flower child
Elizabeth Sunshine
Halloween - Gwendolyn, the Avon Lady; Courtney, the 50's teeny bopper; Elizabeth, the pig farmer; and Kathleen, the blue Crayola crayon - 1989
Kathleen, Flower Child
My Baby - Gwendolyn 1990
Kathleen Angel
Kathleen, Elizabeth, Courtney and Gwendolyn at the Nubble, Maine
At the beach - Elizabeth, Courtney and Kathleen
Oops...where did your sister go???
Gwendolyn and Jason - Prom
Nana and Kathleen, Gwendolyn, Courtney and Elizabeth

Also, I enjoy reading your Blog. It has brought a smile to my face many days.
What a beautiful family portrait! Thanks for sharing these pics, you are blessed to be surrounded by such love. Family love is a precious gem that money cannot buy.