The Power of One

Often, I have thought and written about the power of words as well as the power of one person to make a change things.  The image of the ripple effect is used to show how Grace can touch one, then, radiate out to touch the multitudes.  

This week, I want to share a story and a poem.  The story was sent to me by my daughter, who is now nurturing daughters of her own. Together with her sisters, we have had many discussions on the recent trend to dress little girls (as young as infants!) in clothes that are totally, to us, inappropriate.  Don't get me wrong, I am not a prude, but seeing an infant in a black sequined diva dress, to me, sends the wrong message, as do the tight short shorts and skimpy tops for seven and eight year old girls. So, the following article was proof that even the little girls know that they are being exploited! (Click here to go to the article.)

Next up is a poem that also talks about the power of one and what I would do, it I had THE power.  This is from the Poem-a-Day challenge with Robert Lee Brewer on Writer's Digest.

If I Were the Power 

Things would be different - 
words meant to heal would turn a phrase 
into balm, washing over the sores caused 
by injustice, disease and pain. 
No one percent in my little world, 
all would equally enjoy the fruits of life - 
liberty and justice for all not merely 
a dream but a reality painted in humanity - 
rich dark chocolate, coffee latte, smooth mocha, 
butte red, buttery buff and vivacious vanilla - 
each tone, each shade unique in its own hue. 
If only I had the power to change hearts 
frozen by ego or greed or lack of tender hands 
gently guiding, the world would spin to the rhythm 
of ethereal music, cruising through space and time 
a shining example of the difference one could make 
if only they were power.

© Linda M. Rhinehart Neas 2014 

May we all see that we make a difference in this life...even when that difference is only to one person. May the ripples of our kindness, our creativity, our willingness to be there touch to the ends of creation and beyond.  Namasté!


Unknown said…
Lovely poem and such an important reminder.

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