World AIDS Day
Today, we observe the 23rd World AIDS Day. Are we any closer to a cure? Is AIDS awareness more prevalent?
For the answers to these questions, let's look at the World Health Organizations statistics.
According to the WHO - "An estimated 2.7 million people worldwide were newly infected with HIV in 2010.
An estimated 390 000 children were newly infected with HIV in 2010; 30% fewer than the peak of 560,000 annual new infections in children in 2002 and 2003.
Since 2001, annual HIV incidence has fallen in 33 countries, 22 of them in sub-Saharan Africa. However, incidence is accelerating again in Eastern Europe and Central Asia after having slowed in the early 2000s, and new infections are on the rise in the Middle East and North Africa.
The number of AIDS-related deaths worldwide is steadily decreasing from a peak of 2.2 million in 2005 to an estimated 1.8 million in 2010. "
In addition, "More than 95 million HIV tests were performed in 2010 in 119 low- and middle-income countries, representing an increase from 67 million tests reported in 100 countries in 2009.
The reported number of health facilities providing HIV testing and counseling services reached 131 000 in 2010 (in 119 countries), up from 30 300 in 2007 (in 78 countries)."
The reported number of health facilities providing HIV testing and counseling services reached 131 000 in 2010 (in 119 countries), up from 30 300 in 2007 (in 78 countries)."
So, while things have improved in some areas, they are still problematic in others. We cannot forget that this disease is still killing people., along with other concerned organizations, is continuing to campaign, talk, discuss, lobby and advertise the need for funding to continue AIDS research and outreach.
A virtual AIDS quilt is now in the works to help in that process. Check it out at (2015) Quilt.
For more information and facts about AIDS, go to The World Health Organization.
May the day come that a cure be found for this horrific disease that has stolen so many from this world.