Tea and Thee

One of my blogging buddies, Melissa Ann Goodwin, author of The Christmas Village, wrote about packing up her Mom's China teacups.  I immediately resonated with her post.  (Click on her name to go visit her blog.)

I, too, had a Mom who had teacups and felt they were special. My Mom died two years ago, but I still long for her.  Often, when I see the teacups, I remember times we shared together, with family and later with my girls.

When I bought my home, several years ago, Roger surprised me with a built in display for my teacups.  Many of them are Momma's, a few are my grandmother's, the rest have been given to me over the years by people who knew I loved teacups.

One of my fondest memories is getting tea when I was sick.  Momma would serve it in one of her precious China teacups with the saucer.  We didn't have much growing up and as a child I was quite ill with various childhood diseases.  Perhaps, it was because of this, or because I was Momma's only daughter, but being entrusted to drink tea from the China cups made me feel special.

When my girls were young, I would have tea parties for them and their friends.  We would use the teacups, too.  Occasionally, one would get broken or chipped.  It didn't matter.  We were having fun making memories.

When my oldest granddaughter turned five last year, we had a tea party for her.  What a treat to see our family tradition being passed down to another generation of women.

Here are some pictures of my tea cups on display, and in use.

This is the display Roger made...he created it to look like an old hearth.  My stove is directly under it.

I also have a traditional teacup holder in the living room.

Some teacups are very old, so they are in my cabinet that we mounted on the wall.  It used to be part of an old secretary.  Other teacups sit on the shelf that divides the kitchen and dining room.

Our Adelaide and her cousin, Chloe drinking tea from the China cups that Nanilin (me) gave them.  Don't you just love their white gloves?  We also wore hats, but you can't see that here.

Momma and her sisters/sisters-in-law  back in the old days.  Momma is the one in the middle of the back looking surprised.


For many around the world, preparing, serving and drinking tea is almost a spiritual observance.  Perhaps this is why the symbols of tea are so special to us.  They remind us of times when our souls celebrated being together.

May your days be filled with memories of those you love and may you always have time to stop and sip tea with a friend.


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Linda, I feel better having shared our memories of our mothers and tea cups - you can say that things are just things, but some of them do hold very special meanings. I don't care if mine get chipped either, or if I only have a cup with no saucer, I cherish them. Loved the pictures, and the white gloves! When I was 18 (in 1974), I was going for a job interview with a bank. My very proper, veddy veddy British grandmother told me, "Don't forget to wear your white gloves." They would have looked great with my bright green polka dot minidress and platform shoes....:-)

Also loved your York Beach post - I have been feeling homesick for York Beach lately too!

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