Creating Memories

york beachImage by NapaneeGal via Flickr

 York Beach at Sunset

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to spend the weekend with my daughters. We were creating memories. Now, that isn't so unusual, I realize, but what was unusual was that we ALL got to be together for an afternoon at the beach.  We were creating memories! This is something I haven't had the pleasure of doing with them since they were young.  

Our day at the beach was about as perfect as a day at the beach can be.  Just enough clouds kept it from being sweltering.  The Gulf Stream warmed the waters of Southern Maine, unexpectedly, providing a glorious playground for those of us who love the ocean.  The grandchildren kept me entertained with frequent runs down the beach to get wet, then visits to the tide pools, then castle building and back to the water to wash off sand.

My Grandchildren Playing Together

Amazing as it may sound, my girls and I all got to swim together.  (Thanks, Jason and Grandpa Rich!)  What a joy to body surf with the girls! (Yes, the old girl can still ride a wave into the shallows, of course I take longer to stand up, but hey!  I didn't see any other grandmothers body surfing!) We laughed and swam for what seemed like hours but in reality was only a few minutes.  But, it was a few minutes of me with my girls like when they were kids...only they are moms themselves, now.

What a great day!  I have one question, though, why is it that peanut butter and jelly tastes so good at the beach?  I hardly ever eat it, but at the beach...Yum!  Of course, my two youngest didn't have the PB and J, they were having too much fun eating sand!

I hope my little ones will remember their days at the beach.  For me, those are some of my favorite, summer, childhood memories.  

My Brother, Barry and I at the Beach

May you all have an opportunity for creating memories. And, may those memories last a lifetime!


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Elascelles said…
Loved the beach day with all of us together!!!
And you are so right, that was a really great moment when all of us got to swim together like we used to! Wonderful memories!
Love you!
I love you, too, Elizabeth! I hope we can make more moments like this in the future.

I love my girls!
Anonymous said…
This reminded me of a visit Edwnina had at our house taking care of Devon on a school vacation week. They sewed a blanket together, Nana sharing her skill at the sewing machine with Devon by her side.
After she left I thought I needed to get her a gift to thank her but really the "gift" was her making memories with Devon. And we still have this blanket...forever. Love,Mare
Rev. Linda said…
Yes, Mare, the gift was making the memories. So very special to children.
Unknown said…
I love beach though I cant swim. Its a place I remembered the most when I missing my family..
MissPriss said…
Love this blog. I was wondering though, I looked up the name of my blog which is "Words of the Heart" on Google search but instead of mine popping up, yours and a few others did. Do you know why?
Dear Alv, Memories like this are wonderful to have. So happy to hear that you have good ones, also.
Dear MissPriss,

Thank you for your kind words. Google picks up on the traffic of keywords, so the sites that get the most traffic on those keywords come up first. This blog has the keywords, "Words, Heart" Search Engines don't read bridge words (the, a, an, of, etc.)

If you put quotes around you title does it come up? This should tell the search engine that you want these exact words - that way it will read the "of the". If it doesn't, you should check your blog settings to make sure you are allowing your blog to be found by search engines.

Under settings there are two questions...Add your blog to our listings? and, Let search engines find your blog? If you have those shut off, the search engines will not find your blog.

Hope this helps. Again, thanks for visiting! Peace!
MissPriss said…
Oh, it definitely does help! Hope I can figure out what the problem is! Thanks!
Talk about coincidences - I lived at York Beach for 13 years! We spent every idle minute on the beach - we lived a street back on "Avenue A" - you go down the street across from the bath house and turn right! I loved living there, and it's a great beach. I'll be back later to see those tea cups you mentioned...
There are no coincidences in life...I call them serendipitous moments.

When did you live in York Beach? I lived there from around '84-2002. I had a weekly column in the York County Coast Star and the York Weekly.

Love learning all these connections. It is a small world!

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