Thanks Giving

Norman Rockwell - Freedom from Want
Each year at this time, I have written about the holiday we know as Thanksgiving.  In the past, I have discussed how special our traditions are and how, if we try, everyday can be Thanksgiving.  So, this year, I wanted to write something different; something no one else had written; something that didn't have to do with Pilgrims, or feasts, or even the history of Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.

Trouble is there isn't anything that I could write that hasn't already been said.  I would just say it differently.  In saying it differently, I wouldn't take anything away from what had already been said, right?  It would just be different.

Once again, I am faced with the truth that keeps repeating in my life.  We can use different words to say the same thing.  It doesn't mean one person is wrong and the other is right; it only means that they arrived by different paths.

It reminds me of the last time I took the train to Maine to see my grandbabies.  As we entered Boston, which is a hub, I noticed all the various lines converging at North Station.  The trains were coming in from different paths and branches, but they were all ending up at the same destination - Boston.

In life, we all travel different paths, too.  Sometimes, our paths intersect or run parallel to other travelers on Life's journey.  Sometimes, we feel as if we are traveling completely isolated from everyone else, much like a train traveling through the frozen tundra or along the side of huge mountain.  In spite of all that, however, we all end up in the same place.

Life is a circle; the end is the beginning is the end. 

As we gather for thanks giving, let us ponder the fact that we are all in this life together.  Let us give thanks for those who travel along similar paths as well as those whose paths seem so distant from ours.  Let us remember that while the words we use to give thanks may differ, the meaning is the same!

Oliwni, Shukran, Hahóo, Danke, Go raibh mile maith agaibh, Shukriya, Hvala, Graçias, Merci, Toa Chie, Thanks!


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Hi Linda,

Very nice post. Thanksgiving is everyday. I just hope that one day everyone will realize that we don't have to wait for an appointed calendar day to be grateful.

Have a supernal day with your family and keep spreading love.

Peaceful blessings my friend.

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