Speak from the Heart

“You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching,
Love like you'll never be hurt,
Sing like there's nobody listening,
And live like it's heaven on earth.
(And speak from the heart to be heard.)”
William W. Purkey

These words by author and educator, William Purkey, have sat on my wall for years.  Of late, whether because I am midway through my 70th journey around the sun or what, I am not sure, but I have been taking these words to heart.

"You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching," says to me - don't worry about what others will think, enjoy life!  Run in the rain with the children, splash in the puddles.  Make snow angels.  Yell, "Yeah, Creator!" 

"Love like you'll never be hurt," is the only way to love in my estimation.  I have shared many times that my old heart looks like a patchwork quilt, but I wouldn't change a thing. I love the story of how the Japanese treasure their pottery.  When a favorite piece gets a crack, they take it to a repair shop where the specialist mends the crack with gold filling. What was once a broken bowl or cup becomes even more precious when it is repaired.  Our hearts are like this - yes, they break, but they become more precious when we heal and love again.

"Sing like nobody's listening," for me, this is a reminder to make a "joyful noise."  When we sing, our brain is triggered to produce endorphins - the happy hormone.  The more you sing, the happier you feel!  I sing in the car as I drive to work.  Sometimes I am belting out hit songs from musicals, sometimes rock songs from my teen years and sometimes old classics.  Lately, I find that I do this without thinking, especially when I am most stressed.  Guess what?  By the time I get to where I am going, I don't feel stressed!

"Live like it is Heaven on Earth." This is a cup-half-full/half empty statement.  When we live like Heaven is on Earth, we treat the Earth with respect; we love our neighbors as ourselves and we see the Divine in all things.  When we don't do this, life gets very gloomy, very fast!

"And speak from the heart to be heard." This last bit often doesn't get added when people share this poem, but I think it is one of the most important lines.  When we speak from the heart - using Words from the Heart - we are heard in a way that doesn't happen when we speak from our minds.  Speaking from the heart comes from deep within. The words carry with them a gentleness and a compassion that cannot be found in facts and figures.

So, as the days begin to gradually get longer and warmer, I plan on dancing around my garden, singing songs of love and joy, remembering that my heart is stronger than many might think, and Heaven is here on Earth!  All I need to do is look at my loved ones to know this is true!

May these words from my heart bring you joy, lighten your step and easy your burdens.



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