I Can't Wait to Love You Forever - Review

How I wish I could have had a book like this when I was raising my four daughters! I Can't Wait to Love You Forever by Patricia Eckerman Ambas is a delightful and heartwarming story of how a wise mother helps her child prepare for the birth of their sibling. 

Eckerman does a superb job of showing just how games and positive reinforcement can teach children to deal with situations that, for the child, can be confusing, scary, or sad. 

In addition, Amira Daaboul's illustrations make this book come alive! Her soft colors and gentle portraits of mother and child bring a feeling of peace and harmony.

My favorite page was the last of the story. No spoilers...you will simply need to read the book to understand why!

I highly recommend I Can't Wait to Love You Forever for anyone expecting an additional child in their family. This book will become a treasure in your home library!


Patricia Eckerman Ambas loves sharing stories - everything is a story waiting to be told! Her interest in languages led her to become a teacher and she has been striving to instill her love for reading with youth for over fifteen years in that role. As a mom of three, bedtime and really, anytime-stories fill her world. She also shares stories with her community in Oshkosh, WI as she showcases the stories of her husband's family heritage while teaching guests at their family restaurant about Filipino food. Displaying beautiful multicultural families in her books' illustrations is at the forefront of her goals as an author in order to allow her own children, and others like them, a mirror of mixed families and a window for other children to see into a different lifestyle from their own. I Can't Wait to Love You Forever is her first children's book and she hopes you have as much fun with it as her second child had inventing the actual game played. Look for more heartfelt books coming soon.

Learn more about the author at:



I am so glad that you loved it! I just released the BIG SISTER version, and THAT'S the one that would have been perfect for your girls! I Can't Wait to Love You Forever: A Big Sister Book

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and I agree, that last page... all the feels!
~Patricia Eckerman Ambas

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