
 As a wordsmith, I have a fondness for certain words. Anticipation is one such word. Just saying it causes the heart to beat a tiny bit faster. Images of something to come begin to fill our minds. Anticipation, I believe, is a perpetual state for humans.  Think about it.

We anticipate a birth. Nine months of waiting and planning, hoping, and dreaming until the big day arrives. Then, there is the wait for the first smile, first words, first steps, and so on. As adults, we await raises, election results and sports finals and the latest what's-it fresh from the factory.  

However, anticipation can also be a deep longing for something important. Many people around the world long for peace, long for love, and long for equality. These deep longings are felt more acutely during times when anticipation is celebrated everywhere we look...such as now.

As the Winter Solstice brings back a lengthening of daylight, as Christmas brings back the message of goodwill and peace to all, and as the New Year brings back the vision of a world united in the hope that we can birth a new existence, let us remember that anticipation is both a noun and a verb. If we do not act upon that which we so desperately anticipate, then it will simple disappear once more into the ether. Anticipation acted upon at fruition brings many wonderful possibilities.


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