Health - My New Year Word

For the last few years, I have picked a word on New Year's to be my point of meditation.  Last year was Light and I explored all the ways "Light" is used in our lives.  This year, my word is "health."  

As I get older, I am becoming more and more aware that our health has so much more to do with our mind and spirit than it does our actual physical selves.  So, I have begun the year improving, working on and developing my creativity.  

Seems that when we decide to do something, Creator sends all kinds of help, so it was not surprise that my dear Soul-Sister, Eliza Fayle was thinking on the same tract as I was.  She is facilitating a great workshop, The Artful Joyful Me Project through her website, Artful Joyful You .

Just learning about the project got me all fired up into researching how creativity helps reduce stress.  There are so many new reports available that it is mind boggling! 

For Christmas, I gave my daughters adult coloring books and pencils.  No of them gave me the same thing!  Love when that happens!!

Roger gave me an app for my phone that turns it into a camera with tons of lenses and filters, allowing me to take top-notch, artistic photos.  The one above is an example - taken with the "vortex z" filter, the photo of my daughter's dogs became a gorgeous tile!

So, how does this all boil down to health?  Well, when we create, we step out of our daily stress and into a space of creativity that ultimately leads to healing of all kinds.  I am not a scientist or a doctor, but I can say that from my own experience, creating has given me a voice (especially when I write), given me the opportunity to feel good about myself, and helped me to heal the parts of myself that have suffered. 

As the year progresses, I will check in with more thoughts on "Health."
Please feel free to share what you do to be healthy.  We can all learn from each other!!



Vel said…
Thank you for your encouraging words on how creativity plays an important part on our health. I too picked health as my word for the year. To encourage me I now use a steps and sleep counter and my daughter gave me several books on meditation, journals and will take water painting classes. I am looking forward to 2016 being my healthy and creative year. May you have a wonderful 2016.
Vel said…
Thank you for your encouraging words on how creativity plays an important part on our health. I too picked health as my word for the year. To encourage me I now use a steps and sleep counter and my daughter gave me several books on meditation, journals and will take water painting classes. I am looking forward to 2016 being my healthy and creative year. May you have a wonderful 2016.
Dear Vel, How wonderful! I hope you share insights with us along the way. Blessings! Linda

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