Finding Joy


This is the word I chose to focus on during this coming year.  For me, 2014 is the year of JOY!  

So how am I going to find joy in the mundane, everyday moments of life?  How will I find it when pain, frustration and anxiety rear their ugly heads?  How will I find it when the world appears to be filled with so much terror, fear and hate?

My teachers would all say, "Look within."  But, I add, "Look out, around, in between, under and over!"

Joy can be found in the silences of a Sunday sunrise and in the giant's clap of thunder.  Joy lingers just outside the window on any given day!  See it in the birds at the feeder, in the snow melting like liquid crystal and in the plants morphing through the seasons.

Joy appears to me in the eyes of my grandchildren.  Joy speaks to me on the lips of my loved ones.  Joy sings to me in the songs my Roger writes.

Here are some examples via a little photo diary.  EnJOY!

Garden in the snow
 Grandbabies in the snow!

 All smiles for Nanilin
Summer morning snuggles

Roger contemplating his next song

Road less traveled

Bath time!


Anonymous said…
Beautiful photos and moments!
Best in this new year!
Unknown said…
Joy really is in the attention of the moment. Lovely reminder.

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