When Creation Beckons

 Tiergarten Berlin, Wiese mit Osterglocken.Tiergarten Berlin, Wiese mit Osterglocken. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)April is here!  The first of the spring flowers are in full bloom.  The Earth is once again bursting with the miracle of Life.  Rebirth, renewal and rejuvenation resound everywhere.

One of the events of this month that I look forward to most, is the Poem a Day Challenge sponsored by Robert Lee Brewer and Writer's Digest.  This is the third year I have taken the challenge to write at least one poem a day.  
I have to say, the first time I attempted this, I thought I would never be able to create a poem "on demand." However, to my surprise, I only had one or two days when the task seemed daunting.  As I proceeded over the past three years, I have found that the minute I get the prompt, my mind immediately goes into creation mode! 

The following are several of the poems I have written during past Poem-a-day challenges.  I hope you enjoy them!

at the edge
of water and land
while the fire
of our love
burned hidden
in the shelter
of our hearts.

had traveled
down the dark canal
of pain and fear.

gray clouds
a new life,
in sunlight,
our two souls

LMN 2009
Passion in detail #2Passion in detail #2 (Photo credit: Aedo Pultrone)

Pilgrim fingers march
over contours of your face.
Lips, Landmark of Heart.

LMN 2009


Looking up from the reading,
Our eyes meet -
muted whispers fade to white noise -
colors swirl.

The beating of my heart
syncs with yours.

I blink, taking off my glasses,
so that you will no longer be visible -
too late - your look is etched
in my heart.

LMN 2010


No one wants to admit
that they left the cap off the toothpaste;
that the meatloaf was too dry;
that the kids used the toast for a hockey puck;
that the last time he was with us,
we all sensed that something terrible
was transpiring within the cells of his being.

No one wants to admit
that staring death in the face is personal.

LMN 2010


They tell you that they can fix the problem,
that the heart broken and torn
can be repaired, however -
(Ah, yes, the great "However")-
Life, as you knew it, must change.
No more running along the beach.
No more climbing the tops of mountains.
No more lifting children to rest on your hip.

What they don't understand;
what they don't see with all
their medical magic,
is that they have only fixed
the heart's shell,
The spirit that lingers within
remains crushed.

LMN 2011 

April dawnApril dawn (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Just before the Sacred Orb
      climbs over the tips of Mountain,
Just before Silence rings
      with a Cantata of gentle Breezes
           and Avian Harmonies,
The Soul releases,
      Walking through portals of Time
           Into this World –
or the Next
      Into Dreams –
and Back

LMN 2011


The poems above are copyrighted. The conditions of use are: Users may print or download excerpts of reasonable quantity for personal, non-commercial use. No re-distribution or publication in any manner is permitted without the express consent of copyright holder. For further information and/or permission, please contact author at lupinelinda@gmail.com. Thank you!

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Judy said…
JUST BEAUTIFUL LINDA (((((((((HUGS))))))))))
Mariya Koleva said…
Beautiful poems! I have found participation in this challenge very helpful for me, as well. At first, we all think we can't make it, but when you end up with so many lovely poems, the feeling is great!
Poem on, Linda!
Thank you,Judy and Mariya! I love writing poems and I am always so grateful when something I have written touches another person's heart.

Blessings! Linda
Unknown said…
Wow thats beautiful... I love it

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