Reflections, Inspiration & Sharing

Natal anniversaries are an excellent time for reflection.  After 58 years of life in this amazing reality, I have so much on which to think.  I am constantly and consistently inspired by my daughters, grandchildren, students, family and friends, some of whom I have yet to meet.

As a gift to my readers, I will share some bits of wisdom that have passed my way this year.


Begin and end each day in grateful praise. When we take time to be thankful for all we have, as well as recognize our need for guidance as we proceed through the day, life's little challenges are never too difficult.

We are all connected...sons and daughters of the Creator.  We must open our hearts and minds to this reality.  The people at My Fellow Americans are just one group that is working diligently to educate society to this fact.


One person CAN make a difference in the lives of manyMy friend, Maithri Goonetilleke, is one such person, along with a host of other individuals from around the globe connected with Possible Dreams International, who work to bring education, healing, comfort and love to the peoples of Swaziland and Africa. 


My "sisters" are my strength.  They come from all walks of life, all races and creeds.  Together, we are creating a world of Peace, Compassion and Justice.  Women like, Ber-Henda Williams, who is using her gifts of poetry, song and Spirit to help women, young and old, find their voice.  Women like, the members of Women on Writing, who come together to nurture and encourage writers of all ages.  Women like, Eliza Fayle, who encourages the celebration of women wherever they may be on life's path, recognizing the intelligence, sexuality and humor we all possess.

"Once in awhile, right in the middle of an ordinary life, Love gives you a fairy tale."  The greatest blessing any one can have is a partner/spouse that celebrates and honors them for who they are unconditionally.  I am blessed to have Roger in my life. He is my biggest fan and wisest adviser.  He lifts me up, holds my hand, rubs my feet and embraces me when I need a hug.  

Above all else, the Great Spirit, the Creator of All, the Great I Am, is with me, along with my ancestors, angels, saints, and guides.  Learning that the Spirit fills every molecule of life has helped me find peace in the face of pain, courage in the face of fear and love in the face hate.
May we all find inspiration in the things that surround us, daily.
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Sara said…
I loved how you ended this post, "May we all find inspiration in the things that surround us, daily."

I feel as if I have found inspiration just visiting here today and I thank you for that. I also feel like I should know you, but I don't know how I do?

In your "About" section, you wrote about how writing has healed your soul throughout your life. I feel exactly the same way.

Writing has been with me since I was a kid and penned my first poem. It wasn't great, but it definitely started me on my journey.

Isn't blogging amazing? How we make connections with people all over the world, yet we do so, through one of the oldest ways of communication...writing:~)
How lovely to find your note at the end of a long a breath of sparkling sea air on a summer's morn!

I just read your bio on your blog, too. We DO have a great deal in common, so that is probably why you feel the kinship. Kindred spirits seem to be finding each other more and more these days. Perhaps because we need to keep affirming each other in the face of such doom and gloom in the world.

Thanks for stopping by, I hope we will share each others company often in the days ahead.


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