The Blessings of Mother Earth

"For Everything There Is a Season..."

As I walk each morning, I have come to appreciate the beauty the Creator surrounds us in.  Watching the changes of the seasons over the past few weeks, gives new understanding of how amazing Mother Earth is.  A short time, two months to be exact, life here looked dismal.  Today, it is vibrant with growth, and birdsong.  We have so much to be grateful for in this life!

The following photos show the progression of the seasons here in and around the Enchanted Cottage.

April - sudden glimpses of new life

Enchanted Cottage

One of our many gardens

Garden at the front of the house

Striped pansy!

Spring coming to the neighbors farm

Entrance to a Neighbor's Garden

Fields Waiting for the Plow

May - splashes of color everywhere

 Tulips and Daffodils Brighten the Path

Path to the Fire Pit

New Flower Bed in Progress

Kitchen Garden

Garden at the Front of the House

The PGM Rhododendron in its Glory

View of Our Neighbor's Fields from the Mountain

Tulips and Grape Hyacinths Dress up Sign

June - lush growth everywhere

 Enchanted Cottage in Bloom

Roses after the Rain

New Garden Sprouting Forth

 Kitchen Garden coming to Life

 Old Fashioned Wild Rose

Neighbor's Farm Stand Up and Running

 Entry to Neighbor's Garden

 Contemplative Angel in Neighbor's Garden

Corduroy Corn Fields

Neighbor's Field with Horses in the Background

Watching the progression of the seasons brings acute awareness of how fragile, sacred and beautiful the natural world around us is.  May we all remember that, "For everything there is a season," and strive to preserve, protect and heal this Earth, our Mother.

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Kath Fearing said…
Linda, I always loved the way you and Roger dressed up your home, both inside and out, with loving care. It is truly enchanted and surrounded by love.
Thanks, Kath! We are truly blessed.
Hi Linda, thanks for coming by my blog and leaving a note. And thank you for these wonderful photos! I am from Massachusetts - I grew up in Andover. My sister lives in Princeton. Where do you live? And, we write children's books. My agent is pursuing publishers right now, but I am impatient and already looking into what my self-publishing options are. Either way, my book will come into the world this year or next, by golly by gosh! Look forward to reading more of what you are doing.
Hi, Melissa!

I grew up in South Boston, lived in Melrose, Woburn and now South Deerfield (out near Amherst). Also lived in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan on Lake Superior, Montgomery, AL, Londonderry, NH and York, ME.

Self-publishing can work well. Good luck with it. Look forward to hearing more.

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