Prayer-filled Gardening
Gardens before Weeding After many rainy days, we finally got some lovely weather. I woke early to blue, blue skies. Quickly, I dressed with the intent of attacking the long neglected gardens in the front of the house and along the driveway. There is something about being up early in the garden that lends itself to prayer. I am not sure if it is the quiet or having my hands in Mother Earth, but, like the poem says, I always feel "closer to God in the garden than any place else on Earth." As I pulled weeds, cut back dead branches and pruned, I found myself contemplating life and the world. Angel Wing Begonia Somewhere in the midst of trimming back the day lilies, the thought came to me that weeding and trimming was much like how we develop our soul . We pull out the stuff that doesn't work, cut back the things that have grown over and turn under that which is not worth saving. Soul development and gardening, it appeared to me,...