Children's Book Week

Yipee! It is Children's Book Week!

I love to read children's books. Once my girls grew up, it was a bit wierd to tell people I was buying a children's book for myself. However, now that I have granddaughters, I get to collect children's books with a purpose, other than entertaining, educating, or informing myself!

This year, I have found several wonderful books that I would like to recommend. A couple I have already written about in the blog, but they are definitely worth mentioning again. Others are new to this discussion. Also, these links will take you to book lists that are recommended by children, teachers and young adults.

To begin...

The Earth is Our Mother by Bev Doolittle and Elise Maclay takes the reader on a journey through Magic Canyon. It is filled with information on ecology, politics, anthropology, and art. The writing draws the reader in, captivating the imagination. The illustrations are breath-takingly beautiful. (The fact that Mother Earth is portrayed on the cover as having a face of lupine sold me!) It is a delightful read for all ages.

When I first saw this book, I bought three copies, one for each of my daughters with children and one for me. My Hippie Grandmother by Reeve Lindbergh and Abby Carter seemed to be written for and about me! It has become one of my all time favorites. Hopefully, as the they get a bit older, it will be a favorite of my granddaughters, also.

I read Old Turtle and the Broken Truth while in the middle of my graduate studies. It has become a learning tool that I have used so often that the book looks like it is as ancient as the Old Turtle! Written by Douglas Woods with illustrations by Jon J. Muth, it is a parable for all ages.

That's all for now...more to come...


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