The Grandmothers' Plea


I was prompted by this picture of my grandchildren enjoying the beach together, building childhood memories of peace-filled, joyous times of wonder and awe, to write the following poem to the leaders of world. 

My grandmother's heart aches for my daughters and their spouses and all the young parents of this world as they navigate the days ahead. 
Fear, at times like this, can eat away at the soul, which is why I was looking through photos the other day, coming upon the one above. Seeing the faces of loved ones, transporting my mind to happier times, allows me to keep fear at bay, which of course is something one must do to get through the days ahead. 

May we all find a place of peace. May the leaders of this world soften their hearts, open their minds, and realize that, to survive, we must learn to live in peace.

The Grandmothers’ Plea 
To the men in suits, 
leading nations of our children 
and our children’s children: 

Stop taking our young ones 
to war on each other. 
Stop using machismo as a tool 
that destroys the future. 
Stop killing the babies, 
whose tomorrows you use 
as deposits for your greed. 

Remember your history! 
War never benefited anyone. 
Remember pain and heartache! 
Universally, these are felt by all. 
Remember the Divine! 
Life is not for you to take.

Hear the grandmothers - 
lamenting for their children. 
Hear the mothers - 
mourning for their babies. 
Hear the aunties - 
begging for an end to suffering. 

You, sons and grandsons, 
are holding the future of this 
tiny blue orb for ransom. 

Build bridges of understanding. 
Build communities together. 
Build a new world in which 
no grandmother must plead 
for Life to be spared. 

© 2022 Rev. Linda Rhinehart Neas


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