A Picture's Worth 1000 Words

A Picture Is Worth 1000 Words

An Interview with Artist/Illustrator, Kathleen Grieg 
L: Kathleen, I am so thrilled to interview you for Words from the Heart. Your art has touched me for many years now. As a writer who, at times, needs pictures to say what words can’t, I know the value of your work. Can you tell us how long you have been doing artwork and what your favorite medium is and why? 

K: I have loved making art since childhood. My favorite medium in paint. Any paint. I love it all! 

L: Are you self-taught or did you take classes? Where did you go to school? Who was your favorite teacher/professor and why? 

K: I discovered the art program at Endicott College and completed my BFA there. My favorite art teacher was from middle school. His name was Mr. Bishop. He really encouraged my art and I always felt proud of my talent in his classes. 

L: In most of your art, you seem to focus on animals. What is it about them that inspires you? 

K: I love animals and the connection humans have with them. Animals have their own personalities and as an artist, I like to try to capture that in my art. 

L: Kathleen, could you tell us a bit about your family? Where do you live? How many children do you have? How do they motivate you? 

K: I have been married to my handsome husband, Austin, for almost ten years. We are currently living in West Virginia as Austin is attending medical school here. We have two wild, fantastic children. Eric is 7 and Ronan is 5. In the house we live in, there isn't really a space for my art. I am constantly attempting to create art in the a middle of chaos. My children motivate me to create quickly because otherwise I won't get it done! Ha!

L: What was your biggest project to date, Kathleen? What was the smallest project you have done? 

K: The biggest project I did was a commissioned piece for a nursery. It was three 16x20" watercolor and ink painting of giraffes. The smallest projects are my 4x6" watercolors. I usually package them and sell them around Christmas time. 

L: Can you share with the readers what other interests you have? 

K: I am a runner and have just signed up for my 15th half marathon. I also love working with kiddos and teaching. 

L: Every artist is inspired by other artists. Who are some of your favorite artists and why? 

K: I have always loved Vincent van Gogh, mostly because of my mother's love for his work. Other impressionist like Monet and Renoir were always my favorites to explore. 

L: Have you ever had a time when you thought you were going to paint one thing and ended up with a work that was completely different from what you had anticipated? Could you share that with us? 

K: Oh, of course. I think this happens all the time with artists, especially if its a new medium or if you really have time to just sit and create. 

L: What are the dreams/goals for your artwork? 

K: I have several. I'd love to create a children's book line that really takes off. The problem is its very competitive and there are millions of artist trying to become popular. Also, what I'd really like, would be to able to contribute financially to my family by creating my art. 

L: For many artists, their art and time creating it is their "special place." They often find it difficult to share with others. Do you see your art as being “yours” alone? Do you find it uncomfortable sharing your work or do you enjoy that process? 

K: Sharing art is part of my process. I usually finish a piece and immediately photograph it and ask my three sisters and my mother's opinion. 

L: What would you share with budding artists (young and old alike) about creating art and developing their skills? 

K: Just do it. Find the time. Make the time. The older I get the more I realize that I only become a better artist by actually creating. I keep learning new skills and finding new tricks by getting out my paints and getting them on the paper. 

L: Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers? 

K: I love doing custom pieces.  I have a Facebook group called MaresEatOatsArt. I frequently post new art there! Message me! 

L: Thanks, Kathleen for sharing your art and life with the readers here today.  As always, I love our time together, even when it is virtual.

Editor's Note:  Kathleen Grieg is the daughter of Linda M. Rhinehart Neas. Kathleen's is the first in a series of interviews with artists whose lives intersect with Linda's.


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