30 Days in November!

November is only a short couple of days away and I am anticipating with much joy the challenge of writing poetry every day of the month.

Those who know me know who much I love poetry. This challenge allows me, as I said in my profile, to promote "Liberty and Literacy for All!"

Won't you help me by donating to the challenge?  A typical donation is $30 (a dollar a poem) but you can give whatever you can - every dollar helps and it won't go to waste!  Go to this link to learn more:  https://cnam.org/civicrm/pcp

Here is a little glimpse of what you can expect through November from me.  This one is from the first 30 Days I participate in when I first joined Center for New Americans.

I whispered - 
an ocean away- 
to la Luna Bella 
hoping that you - 
standing on another shore - 
would hear the message 
only meant 
for the ears of 
my “querido amigo” 

© 2013  Linda M. Rhinehart Neas

Thanks in advance for your support!


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