Backyard blessings

Catbird at the suet feeder outside my window

I love learning about nature. For last several years, our garden has been the home to a catbird family. I had been told that local farmers consider them a nuisance because they love to eat blueberries and raspberries. I must say, I took little notice of them...until now.

This year, we put up suet. I found one that had fruit in it and thought it would be a treat. (The package said it would draw songbirds!) Early one morning in April I spied the catbird with his distinctive chestnut colored patch under his tail. He and his mate love the suet! 

This surprised me, so I did some research. 

Catbirds are actually quite amazing. They winter in the tropics amongst Mayan ruins and in Florida as well as the Caribbean. No wonder they like fruit!

They are also quite talented singers. Early in the morning, when I leave for work, they are singing. They mimic other birds and, of course, make cats sounds. Since our green border has grown in, we have a cacophony of birdsong each morning. Now that I know about the catbirds, I wonder if they aren't making most of the music.

Listen here!

The last thing that surprised me about them, and something that really caught my eye given all the warnings about the higher than average tick and mosquito count this year, is that they eat the little buggers!  Yeah! Bring on the catbirds!  If all goes as Nature made it, we should have two broods with 4 to 5 eggs.  While they are not on the endangered list, they are protected, as their number has significantly dropped over the years.  

Looking with new appreciation at our catbirds. May they live long and prosper! 

More information can be found at:

Consider the Catbird


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