The Adventure Continues - Return to Canterbury
A while back, I introduced a fellow New Englander and author, who grew up not too far from my hometown to my readers, Melissa Ann Goodwin. Melissa had just released her book, The Christmas Village, which is a wonderful holiday tale (for all ages!) about a troubled boy and his adventures in finding himself. Of course, being a tale that takes place during Christmas, there is magic as well as adventure!
At the time, I read the book and was just captivated. I had wished the story had continued. Well, wishes do come true!! Melissa is about to release her sequel. In Return to Canterbury, Jamie Reynolds once again takes us on an adventure. This time to solve the mystery of his missing father, who has been gone for a year.
On his adventures, Jamie will meet up with some of the friends he made in The Christmas Village. Can the find Jamie's father? Can they save Canterbury?

I, for one, cannot wait to read the sequel! I highly recommend that if you haven't already read, The Christmas Village, that you get a copy for the upcoming holidays (available on Amazon). Then, get the sequel!
You can find The Christmas Village on Facebook, too!
Melissa Ann Goodwin is a native New Englander, now living in Santa Fe, New Mexico with her husband, artist J. Richard Secor. She has written extensively for Fun for Kidz, Boys’ Quest and Hopscotch for Girls. She was a regular feature article contributor to the Caregiver's Home Companion for more than five years. Her work has appeared in Guideposts’ Angels on Earth, Caregivers’ Home Companion, Caring Today, The Lutheran Digest, The Peak Magazine, The Andover Townsman, and the Martha’s Vineyard Gazette. Her poetry took 10th prize in The Writer’s Digest 2010 annual competition. The Christmas Village was her first novel. Return to Canterbury will be released mid-December.
Other Posts:
Introducing Melissa Ann Goodwin
Tea and Thee