Simple Beauty
From Color to Black and White - the first real snow of 2012 Those who know me, know that I am not a big fan of winter. After all these years, the cold does things to my body, that do not allow me the flexibility of my youth. That said, I do love how the snow looks when it is fresh and newly fallen. We have had a very dry winter. One freak snow storm in October, which took down many of the trees, but very little after that. This concerns me in that the plants, flowers and trees here in western Massachusetts need the snow to grow properly. Then, today...Snow! The first flakes were tiny and hardly noticeable, rather like the way the Blizzard of '78 began. I will never forget that blizzard. I was 8 months pregnant and the whole of Massachusetts came to a standstill! I went for a walk, after things were plowed...I looked like a penguin waddling down the snowy, deserted roads. Thankfully, my evening classes were cancelled, so I...