Never Underestimate the Power of a Small Group of People...

"Never underestimate the power of a small group of people to change the world. In fact, it is the only way it ever has." Margaret Mead In deed, this is true as is evidenced by the following blog post. Let me introduce you to an extraordinary, mutli-talented young teacher, Stephanie Hayward. I have known Stephanie since she was a student singing in the York Middle and High School shows with my daughters. It is a pleasure to share with my readers this interview with Stephanie and her class of fifth graders, who saw a need and found a way to meet it. ~~~~~~~~~ Hi, Stephanie! Thank you for visiting my blog to share the story of how your students created a way to help the people in Haiti. Could you give us a little history of how this happened? Thanks, Linda. We are very excited to share this project! It has inspired us as a classroom, a school but most importantly, as people. My fifth graders were very concerned when...