March is Reading Month

Nanilin's oldest pixie, reading!

I was close to five when I first read. The book was one of those small, almost square Tell-a-tale books published by Whitman that everyone owned in the 50's. Big Little Kitty interested me far more than Dick and Jane.

I loved the tale of a run-away kitten who sees the world. I wanted to be Karen Kay, the pretty blond haired, blue eyed child, owner of Muffin. It was an idyllic story for a child living in an inner city tenement.

Of course, Karen Kay's yarn led me to read other books. Soon, I had my own library! Amazingly, we might not have had electricity or coal for heat, but we had books...lots of them!

Unlike many children, I never out grew my love for picture books. I still have my original copy of Big Little Kitty, which is held together with tape; the binding long since succumbing to my constant reading. I also have The Night Before Christmas, another Whitman book. To these favorites, copies of many other classic, as well as lesser known books line my bookshelf.

As an educator, I have used my picture books to assist in teaching. Whether it has been poetry for elementary students, English for second language learners, or spirituality for adults, the picture books collected over the last fifty years enriched my teaching.

Subsequently, favorite gift to my granddaughters is, of course, books. In fact, it is my favorite gift for all my relatives and friends. With the gift of a book, you give travel, healing, self-help, entertainment and/or inspiration.

In addition, writing and reading go hand in hand. To be a good writer, one must read. If one reads often, one learns language in all its nuances. It's a win/win proposition.

This month, I will bring attention to the books I love, to authors who are amazing, and to resources for parents and teachers. I look forward to hearing from the readers of this blog, as always. Please feel free to share your favorite reads. Who knows, you just might inspire someone to turn off the TV and open a book!


Anonymous said…
I had that book! I also had that name! (still do) Thanks for reminding me of the only book that really made me feel like a real princess! I had blonde hair then too! Now it is dark brown with flecks of gray, but I remember.
Dear Karen Kay,

How wonderful! I am so happy you still have your book, too. I love the illustrations.

Thanks for posting...Peace,


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