Coming Full Circle

"Mizen Head, County Cork, Ireland" Photo Credit: Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution- Share Alike 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons Today begins a new adventure, one that I will no doubt write a great deal about in the future. Today is the beginning of an inner journey - an epic journey - an odyssey - back to the beginning of "me". Here are the two poems that began me on this quest. GRANDMA Grandma was short like Mommy with blue-black hair cut pixie style and wild green eyes that you could never forget because they twinkled so! She laughed a lot - told funny stories from old Ireland - Mommy would laugh as she told me the crazy things they did… Funny, she left this world long before I came - but, Mommy’s words paint a Grandma to hold deep within my heart. ©1983 LMRN O’Riordan – The King’s Poet When I was half-past six years old, the world still filled the 5 by 10 space of my room. Momma said the ...