From Wannabe to Wife
Last week I had the honor of hosting B. Lynn Goodwin, author of Never Too Late: From Wannabe to Wife on this blog as a guest blogger. She wrote about how compromise and acceptance were important components in relationships. Her wisdom comes straight from the heart, as does her writing.
Lynn fills her memoir with humor, honesty and a growing, mature love that is often found in the lives of older adults. She pulls the reader in with her ability to mix just enough laughs with reality.
The reality that she met her future husband on Craiglist may cause some to gasp in shock. However, I was nonplussed by the fact that this was the vehicle for their paths to cross. Life has taught me that some of the most wonderful relationships come about through some of the most unusual circumstances. But, what I wanted to know about was how did they make it work. (I soon learned, but no spoilers have to read the book!)
Also, as a minister, I loved the spiritual aspect of the story. Lynn's talks with God were heartfelt and real. She very eloquently showed her readers that leaps of faith are never easy. ( spoilers. You must read the book to see what happens!)
I highly recommend this book to one and all! Never Too Late is one of those books that you can read cover to cover, because it is just too interesting to put down.
Never Too Late is available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

She's written You Want Me to Do WHAT? Journaling for Caregivers and Talent, which was short-listed for a Literary Lightbox Award, won a bronze medal in the Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards and was a finalist for a Sarton Women’s Book Award.