Finding the Music in Life!

All my cherubs being silly

Finding the music in life requires making a choice to see beauty rather than the ugliness.  I have often been accused of wearing rose-colored glasses, because I choose to look for the music, to listen for the counter-point and to dance my way along the road.

Finding the music is easier when one has a full backpack of joyous tools.  My tools are family, friends, nature, Spirit, and the arts.  Little reminders come at the strangest times, usually when I need them most.  Little things like a yellow butterfly - a reminder of my Mom, or a line from a poem.  Little things like the way my grandchildren call my name, or how a dear friend will phone, out of the blue.

May you find the music in your life and may it fill you with joy, especially when the rest of the world is out of tune!


Today’s post is in participation with Women On Writing’s mass-blogging event, Everybody is Talking About Finding the Music in Life. We are celebrating the release of Sonia’s Song by Sonia Korn-Grimani. 

To read Sonia’s post and follow our symphony of participating bloggers visit The Muffin at Share your comments on any participating blog for a chance to win a copy of Sonia’s Song!

Sonia’s Song is the story of one girl, who rises from war's ashes to sing the songs of hope and love world-wide. A heart-wrenching and poignant memoir, by internationally renowned singer Sonia Korn-Grimani. Learn more about Sonia at


Margo Dill said…
Oh I wea rose-colored glasses, too. But you are right--it is so true that with the blessings in life this is easier to do! Great post!
Thanks, dear Margo! I knew you were a kindred spirit!!

Hugs, Linda
Beautiful family pic, Linda! :) I agree that little reminders come at the strangest times. I just got a phone call yesterday from a friend I hadn't heard from in years...a few hours after I was thinking about her. And the arts truly inspire me, too. Thanks for sharing!
BECKY said…
Hi Linda! Great post. Many times in life I've worn rose colored glasses, or been Pollyanna.(when I saw the movie with Hayley Mills the first time, I just couldn't understand why all the grown ups were so mean to Pollyanna when she was just being happy and seeing good everywhere!!) Well, I still do that myself!
If you have a moment, please stop by my blog, too!
Rita A. said…
Love the photo of your cherubs. Thank you for visiting my blog. I look forward to getting to know you better.
Lynn said…
Sweet post - I love how the notes hit us just when we need it!
Dear Friends,

Thank you for visiting. I am so glad you enjoyed this post. I look forward to reading Sonia's book.

Blessings to you all!
Unknown said…
Great photo and post. I had to throw out my old glasses as well :-)


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